3 Ways That Arsenal's Transfer Window Was Unprecedented... | UK News
3 ways that Arsenal's transfer window was unprecedented

Emphasis On Youth

When Mikel Arteta took charge of the Gunners, he clearly emphasised experience. His ‘project’ reportedly had the goal of winning the Champions League within 3 years. So, to speed up the process, Arteta secured long term contracts for Aubameyang, emphasised the role of David Luiz, and brought in Willian.

How did this work out for Arsenal? Not so well! So, Arteta, Edu et al decided to change track. No longer were ageing stars the priority. Instead, Arsenal started bringing in youth…building a squad for the future. What has been the result? According to one source, the average age of the squad has now been brought down to only 25.2 years, a massive step forward! Welcome Arteta’s Babes!

Worst Start For Decades

The second of 3 ways that Arsenal’s transfer window being unprecedented is that it came against a dark period. With Arsenal rock bottom of the Premier League with zero points..and zero goals, after 3 games, Arteta began a transfer window with the worst, in fact the worst ever, start to a season for the Gunners.

However, rather than panic, Edu and Arteta kept to the plan, trying a long term plan to rescue the ailing Gunners, rather than throw the cash at ‘instant stars’.

Will this plan work? Who knows! However, with some of the new squad being dismembered by Manchester City, the task looks a long term project, so results may not be seen entirely this season.

And The Winner Is…

If Premier League spending were a race, Arsenal were the winners! Their spending was unmatched and exorbitant, considering recent exit from the Covid blighted financial scene.

Arteta spent more than any other Premier League manager. Let’s hope that his record spending buys him enough time to complete the project!

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