5 Ways That Custom Embroidered Patches Can Increase Your Business

Business has had some tough times recently. When you need to stand out, quality gives you that edge. One company has been making custom embroidered patches for non profit organizations within the UK and Europe. Let’s look at how custom embroidered patches have been effective in helping these worthy organisations and why they are vital to business growth. 

Whilst it is important that businesses economise during challenging periods, investing in a business is an absolute must! One key area that investment must be a priority for your business is in it’s marketing, and especially it’s R.O.I (return on investment). That is why, for non profit organisations, choosing embroidery as a means of marketing has proven to be so effective.

Whilst it is important to gain new customers, your marketing must also focus on customer retention..ensuring that your customers return. In that aspect, the presentation of your staff speaks volumes for your services, your quality, and your belief in customer satisfaction. With that in mind, it is vital that you ditch the printed cheap t-shirts and get an edge with quality embroidered apparel.

For UK businesses to succeed, we have pulled together 5 ways that custom embroidered patches can increase your business.


Custom Embroidered Patches Enhance Your Brand


Custom Embroidered Patches| sew on | iron on | velcro | magnetic backing | badges
Custom Embroidered Patches Change Perceptions…

A classic way to use embroidery to promote your business is to use custom embroidered patches displaying your brand on workwear. This is a round the clock, effective way of raising your company profile that will skyrocket your brand awareness.

Custom Embroidered Patches are bespoke, meaning that rather than using generic images and text, you can style your brand logo in a way that will set you apart from the crowd. These sew on badges look, feel, and create the best in professional image enhancement, so your business will maximise their marketing returns in a way that most other means simply can’t.

As well as the impact that these sew on badges have, you will be surprised at how affordable these custom options are! And, they will usually create a great return on investment that will increase with the more that you invest in your business through this marketing medium.

What if your business is as a sole trader, or self-employed contractor, is it worth paying that little more? One of the greatest assets that you have is trust. So, Self-employed workers – for instance plumbers or builders – should wear custom embroidered badges on their clothes while they work. Not only will the customer have a favourable impression of your professionalism, but all whom you come in contact with at the place of work will foster a more healthy respect for you and your services. The more that have the opportunity to see your logo, the better!

Sew On Employee Initials And Names

Another innovative idea is to utilise embroidery to make your business clothing personalised. For those staff who must wear a uniform, you can order iron on, or sew on names that appear over their chest area. The personalised benefits of these badges are many, such as helping management to know employees personally. In addition, it also gives a name for customers to identify with too. Instantly, there’s a better interaction between staff and customers since a personal connection is improved when a customer can identify an employee by their name. Or, you could sew on their initials on the top for a similar effect.

Their are many ways that you can identify your staff in this way. For instance, some options include using velcro for interchangeable options where clothing is used for shorter periods. For those items of clothing such as Polo tops where the item is worn throughout the day, more permanent identification with sew on and iron on names and initials is the way to go. And, for metallic items such as folders, hats etc, some badges have a magnetic backing, enabling them to be used on a greater variety of places.

Placing the name and/or the initials of your staff on their uniforms will enhance their professional image. Although it is not always used, you will soon find that customers will increase their trust of your company when they know and use the names of the employees. Another great benefit, your staff will feel more important and respected when they have things with their names/initials on, it will have a massive and positive effect on company morale!

Developing A Slogan For Your Brand…

As well as designing a brand logo, your business can improve by using a catchy slogan. Customers remember, and value slogans and they have a definite benefit on your brand recognition. Try to develop one that is both short and snappy, Why? It can be remembered easily and can even be included in your custom embroidered patches! You can simply place it beneath the logo or company name. It can easily be added..simply sew on, iron on, or attach with velcro. Remember though, a slogan relate to your business in some way. Once you’ve come up with a killer slogan, simply have it embroidered onto your staffs work uniforms!

Where should it be placed? One popular idea is to put it on the back, this serves to compliment the logo on the front. When customers see your slogan, they immediately become curious. In addition, their curiosity may cause them to see the rest of the uniform so that they can satisfy their curiousity. Because of this, they they will often pay more attention to your brand logo! Or, they may even stop staff to find out more about the logo, which will give you an opportunity to do an impromptu marketing opportunity for your business. In essence, it can be a vital tool for generating leads, interest, and sales.

Displaying Contact Details

Custom embroidered patches for business can also be used to show off your contact information. You’ve already likely seen this countless times as a sew on, or iron on badge on the backs of Polo shirts and Jackets. Business managers will often buy suitable work attire, then get a phone number as custom embroidered patches on the back. Now, whenever anyone follows you, they will know how to contact you.

It’s a great idea, and you could try different contact details too. Maybe you sew on your email address on the back of a jacket, or maybe even iron on your physical business address? With the business contact information on display as a badge, it will bring more leads than simply doing nothing.


Easy To Use – Sew On, Iron On, Velcro or Magnetic Backing


Embroidered Badges Are Easy To Sew On or Iron on


Once you have decided to use embroidery to grow your business, you will be surprised to know that customisable options are seemingly endless.

According to where and how you want to display your logo, slogan, name, or contact details, you can choose one of the following easy options:


  • Sew on – embroidery is easy to sew on, lasts for the lifetime of the garment, and looks very professional.
  • Iron on – sometimes fabric is not suited for sewing. In that case, an iron on badge will work better. The quality of the badge is important, make sure the resolution and material are top quality.
  • Velcro – For uniforms that need changeable features, a velcro badge can be the solution. Velcro can be interchanged with different uniforms, banners etc according to the need. Velcro badges offer great flexibility of use.
  • Magnetic Backing – For cars and other metallic signage, a badge with magnetic backing is a great option. They can be added and removed easily, and offer a professional image to any number of vehicle and signage options.


Branded Merch

All businesses should think about merchandising as it opens up a world of opportunity. With business embroidery, you can begin selling merchandise where your brand logo is displayed – or any other sew on or iron on designs. This is an excellant way to start a new revenue income stream and add some extra cash to the business.

Never forget, the priority for merchandising is to increase awareness of your business. When you sell merchandise to someone, they’ll be a walking billboard for your brand every time they wear it. Merchandise is also a great idea to hand out at business events and conferences. Design an embroidered hat with a logo or slogan which can be added simply as a sew on or iron on badge and hand them out for free. Again, it’s free marketing every time someone puts the hat on. There are no end of ideas of how to use branded merchandise. But, it’s an absolute must to have custom embroidered patches to sew on, or iron on, if you want brand recognition prominently displayed on the merch.


Starting 2022 With Success..

As the new year begins, you want to start on the right foot by finding the right customers for your business. Likely, you will be pulled in many different marketing directions, and many of these are very successful.

Even though sourcing new customers should be a priority for your business, customer retention is perhaps even more important. Getting customers who will return time after time saves from stretching your marketing budget. To that end, using custom embroidered patches on your workwear will offer you the kind of professional image that will sow the seeds of repeat business for your company. And, as we have discussed, whether you sew on or iron on your embroidery badges, or whether you go for signage with magnetic backing or velcro temporary signs, you will show that your business means business.

You can use custom embroidered patches for business in an almost unlimited variety of ways to your advantage. Try some of these ideas and sky rocket your targets. Alternatively, we discovered a great offer from Mundi Plumarii Foundation which can handle this important task on your behalf. Using a company that has vast experience in making custom embroidered patches for non profit organizations within UK and Europe, means that you can use your resources in other ways, confident that your marketing goals are in the best hands available.

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